Team and organizational analysis
We can use our diagnostic approach to not only focus on a particular individual, but also on a whole team, division, or organization. As part of such a team or organizational analysis, we analyze the team, division, or company culture, determine functional and dysfunctional factors in employees’ environment, and assess the “fitness for future” of the respective unit.
During a team analysis (management audit), entire management teams can participate in the diagnostic process. Management audits are ideal for gaining insights into a team’s collective strengths and limitations, not just each individual.
An organizational analysis (cultural audit) can serve as a targeted follow-up measure following a standardized employee survey, for example. The latter are mostly only intended as a preliminary screening procedure to determine the prevailing mood within a company and to provide a rough indication of the issues concerning employees. The need for explanations and concrete recommendations for action is often especially great among company decision-makers in the event of critical feedback. We delve far deeper than employee surveys do.
Based on the results of the employee survey, we conduct in-depth individual and group interviews with selected representatives from the organizational unit in order to understand the causes and background with the aim of then finding explanations for the results of the employee survey. We develop specific questionnaires based on these interview results that focus on the “hot topics” as required. All employees of the organizational unit are then able to participate in the associated online survey. This allows us to substantiate and quantify the findings collected previously.
We subsequently use the qualitative and quantitative results to provide company management and the HR managers with differentiated feedback, coupled with concrete indications for necessary changes and recommendations for next steps.
Our approach of speaking with people in person intensifies the participation and thus also acceptance among the employees. It moreover communicates appreciation, encourages people to speak openly, and explicitly emphasizes that employees’ opinions count and will be taken seriously.
Diagnostics-related training
We can gladly share our extensive expertise with HR managers and executives during in-house training.
We developed our three-part training series “Conducting successful job interviews” specifically with the aim of boosting the quality of diagnostics during job interviews and selection procedures at companies. We ensure that all participants in our training receive the appropriate mix of theoretical principles to enhance their diagnostics competence and practical tips to improve their interview skills, observational awareness, and decision-making capabilities. We take company-specific aspects into account in the process. Both in-house recruiters and line managers count among the target groups for our in-house training.
Each of the three training modules consists of a one-day training session that can also be run as a stand-alone unit. We recommend completing the modules in the following order though:
Module 1 “Asking the right questions” is a one-day training session to enhance the quality of recruitment interviews and the associated diagnostics. The primary learning objective is to obtain useful insights by asking appropriate questions and conducting professional interviews.
Module 2 “Creating and using success-critical requirements profiles” is a one-day training session on deducing and defining relevant role and position requirements. The primary learning objective is to pinpoint “game-changing” competencies and to expand the questioning strategies for identifying these — during discussions with both the internal client and the candidate.
Module 3 “Observing, assessing, deciding” is a one-day training session to boost the quality of diagnostic observations, evaluations, and decision-making. The primary learning objective is to separate the observation, evaluation, and interpretation from each other, thereby avoiding mistakes, drawing meaningful conclusions, and ultimately making “correct” decisions based on the requirements defined.
During competency model training, HR managers and executives can also specifically reinforce their competence to effectively use the company’s own competency model in their work, for example during hiring and development processes.
We create tailored competency models for our clients that are attuned to their values and business challenges, and serve as the basis for hiring, assessment, and development processes.
We can gladly also support our clients in the development of talent management programs, the optimization of hiring processes, and the design of other diagnostics-related HR activities.
We offer coaching for executives, experts, project managers, and junior staff, ideally — though not necessarily — based on the findings drawn from our own diagnostics.